Peak Lenin

Talking about the mountains of Kyrgyzstan we can say that peak Lenin is one of the highest points of the country, used to be the 3rd highest one in the former Soviet Union. Being 7134m above sea level it nearly touches the sky, with its white tops.

Previously it was not allowed to travel in the mountains, so only local dwellers could hardly get the allowance to enter the territory of the peaks. Though there were made Kyrgyzstan tours anyway and in 1871 the investigator A.P. Fedchanko was one of the first to witness the beauties of the territories. Thanks to him, the country has got the information about the Pamir mountains.

The peak had the other name in the very beginning, in honor of the governor - peak Kaufman. There were made various attempts of a tour in order to investigate the mountains.

In 1929 the very first investigation was made. But the team didn't manage to get to the top. Then after the 5 years the group of the professional team consisting of the members of the  Red Army of the Soviet Union managed to get to the top and put the monument to Lenin. Then there was an expedition in 1934. In 1967 the group of 301 people of various countries made a vaulting in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union. The opened 16 new routes.

Unfortunately not all of the Kyrgyzstan tours were successful. In 1974 the team of women was caught by the storm. In 1991 the earthquake took 42 climbers with one never to be found.